Closed Loop Control System

A closed-loop control system, also known as a feedback control system, is a type of control system that uses feedback to regulate the performance of a process. It continually monitors and adjusts the process based on the difference between the desired output, known as the set point, and the actual output. The key feature that sets a closed-loop control system apart from an open-loop control system is the use of feedback to adjust the process.

Closed-loop control systems are widely used in industry, transportation, and everyday life to achieve precise control over a wide range of processes. They are commonly used in applications such as temperature control, speed control, and position control. For example, the cruise control system in a car is a closed-loop control system that maintains a constant speed by measuring the vehicle’s speed and adjusting the engine’s power output to match the set speed.

The importance of closed-loop control systems lies in their ability to provide a high degree of accuracy and stability in controlling a process. They are able to quickly and efficiently respond to changes in the process and adapt to varying conditions. Additionally, closed-loop control systems often require less human intervention, which can lead to increased efficiency and reduced costs.

Components of a Closed Loop Control System:

A closed-loop control system is composed of several key components, each playing a critical role in the overall control of the process. These components include

Sensors: These are devices that measure the process variable, which is the output of the system that is being controlled. Examples of sensors include temperature sensors, speed sensors, and position sensors. The sensor converts the physical variable to an electrical signal that can be used by the controller.

Controller: The controller is the brain of the closed-loop control system. It receives the signal from the sensor and compares it to the set point. The controller then generates the control signal, which is sent to the actuator. The controller can be a simple device such as a thermostat, or a complex computer-based system.

Actuators: These are devices that convert the control signal into a physical action that affects the process. Examples of actuators include electric motors, pneumatic cylinders, and hydraulic valves. They are responsible for modifying the process variable in order to bring it closer to the set point.

Process: The process is the physical system that is being controlled. It can be anything from a manufacturing process to a mechanical system such as an engine.

Feedback: This is the comparison of the actual output (measured by the sensor) with the desired output (set point). It is used to adjust the control signal and adjust the process to match the set point.

In summary, a closed-loop control system is a system that receives sensor feedback, processes it, and then uses it to adjust the process to match the desired set point. The sensor, controller, actuator and process are all interconnected and work together to achieve precise control of the process.

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How a Closed Loop Control System Works:

A closed-loop control system works by continuously monitoring and adjusting the process based on the difference between the desired output (set point) and the actual output (measured by the sensor). The process operates in a cycle that includes the following steps:

Measurement of process variable: The sensor measures the process variable, such as temperature or speed, and converts it into an electrical signal.

Comparison with a set point: The controller receives the sensor signal and compares it to the set point. The difference between the two is known as the error signal.

Generation of control signal: Based on the error signal, the controller generates the control signal. The control signal can be a voltage, current, or frequency that is sent to the actuator.

Actuation of the process: The actuator receives the control signal and converts it into a physical action that affects the process. For example, an electric motor may receive a control signal that tells it to increase speed.

Measurement of process variable: The sensor again measures the process variable and sends the signal back to the controller.

Comparison with a set point: The controller again compares the process variable to the set point and generates a new control signal based on the new error signal.

Continuation of the cycle: The cycle continues with the actuator receiving the new control signal and the process variable being measured again.

This cycle is repeated continuously, with the controller constantly adjusting the control signal to bring the process variable closer to the set point. The closed-loop control system is able to quickly and efficiently respond to changes in the process, and adapt to varying conditions.

It’s important to note that the closed-loop control system can have different types of controllers, such as Proportional, Integral, and derivative (PID) controllers, which can bring different levels of performance to the process control.

Advantages of Closed Loop Control Systems:

Closed-loop control systems offer several key advantages over open-loop control systems, including

Improved accuracy: Closed-loop control systems are able to maintain a very high degree of accuracy in controlling a process. This is because the system constantly monitors the process variable and adjusts the control signal as needed to bring the process variable closer to the set point.

Increased stability: Closed loop control systems are able to provide a high degree of stability, even in the face of disturbances or changes in the process. This is because the system is able to quickly and efficiently respond to changes in the process variable and make the necessary adjustments.

Reduced human intervention: Closed-loop control systems often require less human intervention, which can lead to increased efficiency and reduced costs. This is because the system is able to make adjustments to the process without the need for constant monitoring and adjustment by an operator.

Adaptability to changing conditions: Closed loop control systems are able to adapt to varying conditions, such as changes in temperature or load. This is because the system is able to continuously monitor the process variable and make the necessary adjustments to maintain the desired set point.

Higher flexibility: Closed loop control systems are more flexible, they can be easily adapted to different types of processes, and different ranges of the process variable, by changing the controller parameters.

Better performance: Closed loop control systems can have better performance than open loop control systems, they are able to track the set point faster, and have smaller overshoots and oscillations in the process variable.

Closed-loop control systems have become essential in many industrial processes, and they have also been used in many consumer products such as heating and cooling systems, vehicles, and home appliances. They are able to provide precise control over a wide range of processes and are able to adapt to changing conditions, which makes them an important tool in industry and everyday life.

Challenges and Limitations of Closed Loop Control Systems:

Despite their many advantages, closed-loop control systems do have some challenges and limitations that must be considered:

Sensor drift: Over time, sensors can become less accurate and may drift from their original calibration. This can lead to errors in the measurement of the process variable and can affect the overall performance of the control system.

Nonlinear processes: Nonlinear processes can be difficult to control with a closed-loop control system. These processes have a non-constant relationship between the input and output, which can make it difficult for the controller to generate the correct control signal.

Latency in feedback: In some systems, there can be a delay between the measurement of the process variable and the generation of the control signal. This latency can affect the system’s ability to respond quickly and efficiently to changes in the process.

Parameter estimation: In some cases, the process parameters may be unknown or change over time. Estimating these parameters can be a complex task, and if not done correctly, it can affect the overall performance of the control system.

Noise in the signals: Some systems may have high levels of noise in the sensor and actuator signals, which can affect the accuracy and stability of the control system.

Modelling errors: If the mathematical model of the process is not accurate, it can affect the performance of the control system, as the controller will not have the correct information to generate the control signal.

Despite these challenges and limitations, closed-loop control systems are widely used in industry, transportation, and everyday life. With advances in technology and control theory, many of these issues can be addressed and overcome. Nevertheless, it’s important to be aware of these limitations and to carefully design and implement closed-loop control systems to ensure their optimal performance.

Closed Loop Control System Formula:

In a closed-loop control system, the control action is based on the feedback from the process being controlled. The control action is calculated based on the error between the set point (SP) and the process variable (PV), which is the measured output of the process.

There are several types of controllers that can be used in a closed-loop control system, such as Proportional, Integral, and derivative (PID) controllers. The most common and widely used controller is the PID controller.

A PID controller uses the following formula to calculate the control action:

Control Action = Kp * (SP – PV) + Ki * ∫(SP – PV)dt + Kd * (d(SP – PV)/dt)


Kp, Ki, and Kd are the controller gain constants for the proportional, integral, and derivative actions, respectively.

SP is the set point or the desired output of the process.

PV is the process variable or the measured output of the process.

∫(SP – PV)dt is the integral of the error over time, which accounts for the accumulated error over time.

d(SP – PV)/dt is the derivative of the error, which accounts for the rate of change of the error.

The control action generated by the PID controller is then applied to the process through the actuator, which modifies the process variable and brings it closer to the set point.

It’s important to note that in some cases, not all the actions (proportional, integral and derivative) are needed, and the controller can be simplified by removing one of the actions.

Closed Loop Control Systems Examples:

Closed-loop control systems can be found in a wide range of applications across various industries and everyday life. Here are a few examples of how closed-loop control systems are used:

Automotive: The cruise control system in a car is a closed-loop control system that maintains a constant speed by measuring the vehicle’s speed and adjusting the engine’s power output to match the set speed.

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems: These systems use closed-loop control systems to maintain a comfortable temperature inside a building by measuring the temperature and adjusting the heating or cooling system accordingly.

Industrial processes: Closed-loop control systems are widely used in industrial processes such as manufacturing, chemical processing, and oil and gas production. They are used to control processes such as temperature, pressure, flow rate, and position.

Robotics: Many robotic systems use closed-loop control systems to control the position and movement of the robot’s joints. The system measures the position of the joints and generates control signals to bring the joints to the desired position.

Power systems: Power generation and distribution systems use closed-loop control systems to regulate voltage and frequency, and to ensure stability in the power grid.

Medical equipment: In the medical field, closed-loop control systems are used to control the delivery of drugs and fluids into a patient’s body, the temperature in incubators, and other medical equipment.

Aerospace: many aerospace systems such as aircraft, satellites and missiles use closed-loop control systems to control the position, speed, and altitude of the system.

These are just a few examples of the many ways closed-loop control systems are used in industry and everyday life. The use of closed-loop control systems is continually expanding as technology advances, making them an essential tool for achieving precise control over a wide range of processes.

Future developments in closed-loop control systems:

Closed-loop control systems are continuously evolving with new developments and advancements in technology. Here are a few examples of future developments in closed-loop control systems:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): AI and ML techniques can be used to improve the performance of closed-loop control systems by increasing the accuracy of the control algorithm, optimizing control parameters, and adapting to changing conditions.

Internet of Things (IoT): The integration of IoT technology in closed-loop control systems will allow for the collection and analysis of data from multiple sources, providing a more comprehensive view of the process and enabling more effective control decisions.

Real-time monitoring and control: With the advent of new technologies such as 5G and edge computing, closed-loop control systems will be able to provide real-time monitoring and control, enabling faster response times and improved performance.

Cybersecurity: As closed-loop control systems become more connected, the need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect these systems from cyberattacks will become increasingly important.

Predictive control: Predictive control techniques allow the closed-loop control system to anticipate future changes in the process, and to make control decisions accordingly. This can be especially useful in applications such as industrial processes, where downtime can be costly.

Model-based control: Model-based control allows the closed-loop control system to make decisions based on a mathematical model of the process, which can be more efficient than traditional control methods.

Nonlinear and hybrid systems: With recent advancements in control theory, closed-loop control systems will be able to handle more complex and nonlinear systems, which can improve the performance and stability of the control system.

These developments in closed-loop control systems will enable more precise control over a wide range of processes and will provide new opportunities for efficiency and cost savings in the industry and everyday life.

Closed-loop control system MCQ:

1.In a closed-loop control system, the control action is based on:

a. The set point

b. The process variable

c. The desired output

d. The feedback from the process

Answer: d. The feedback from the process

2. The sensor in a closed-loop control system is responsible for:

a. Generating the control signal

b. Converting the process variable into an electrical signal

c. Comparing the process variable to the set point

d. Actuating the process

Answer: b. Converting the process variable into an electrical signal

3. The main advantage of a closed loop control system over an open loop control system is

a. Increased stability

b. Reduced human intervention

c. The use of feedback

d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

4. A common type of controller used in a closed loop control system is

a. Open-loop controller

b. Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller

c. On-Off controller

d. Linear controller

Answer: b. Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller

5. In a closed loop control system, the integral action accounts for:

a. The accumulated error over time

b. The rate of change of the error

c. The desired output of the process

d. The feedback from the process

Answer: a. The accumulated error over time

6. Closed loop control systems are widely used in

a. Industrial processes

b. Automotive systems

c. HVAC systems

d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

7. The main limitation of a closed-loop control system is:

a. Sensor drift

b. Nonlinear processes

c. Latency in feedback

d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

8. A closed-loop control system can have better performance than an open-loop control system because

a. It can track the set point faster

b. It has smaller overshoots and oscillations in the process variable

c. It has more flexibility

d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above


  1. What is a closed-loop control system?

    A closed loop control system is a control system that uses feedback from the process being controlled to adjust the control action. The control action is based on the difference between the desired output (set point) and the actual output (measured by the sensor).

  2. What are the components of a closed loop control system?

    The main components of a closed loop control system are the sensor, controller, actuator, and the process being controlled. The sensor measures the process variable and converts it into an electrical signal, the controller receives the sensor signal and generates the control signal, the actuator receives the control signal and modifies the process variable, and the process being controlled is the physical system that is being controlled.

  3. What are the advantages of a closed loop control system?

    Closed loop control systems offer several key advantages over open loop control systems, including improved accuracy, increased stability, reduced human intervention, adaptability to changing conditions, and higher flexibility.

  4. What are the challenges and limitations of closed loop control systems?

    Despite their many advantages, closed loop control systems do have some challenges and limitations, such as sensor drift, nonlinear processes, latency in feedback, parameter estimation, noise in the signals, and modeling errors.

  5. What are some examples of closed loop control systems?

    Closed loop control systems can be found in a wide range of applications across various industries and everyday life. Examples include automotive cruise control systems, HVAC systems, industrial processes, robotics, power systems, medical equipment, and aerospace systems.

  6. What are the future developments in closed loop control systems?

    Future developments in closed loop control systems include the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the integration of IoT technology, real-time monitoring and control, cybersecurity, predictive control, model-based control, and the ability to handle nonlinear and hybrid systems.

  7. What is the difference between open loop control systems and closed loop control systems?

    An open loop control system does not use feedback from the process being controlled to adjust the control action, while a closed-loop control system uses feedback from the process to adjust the control action.

  8. What is the role of the controller in a closed loop control system?

    The controller is the brain of the closed loop control system. It receives the signal from the sensor and compares it

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